My stream URL has changed! How do i connect it with UruTunes?
New one is ;
Fil - Stream URL Changed
Re: Fil - Stream URL Changed
Hiya, Fil.
Thanks for the note! I've made the change in my system, but for some reason, your button isn't showing green even though you're on. Your player page works and shows green, but not the front page button.
I will try to get that fixed ASAP.
EDIT: It's working now, though I've no idea why it wasn't, and didn't change anything.
Thanks for the note! I've made the change in my system, but for some reason, your button isn't showing green even though you're on. Your player page works and shows green, but not the front page button.
I will try to get that fixed ASAP.
EDIT: It's working now, though I've no idea why it wasn't, and didn't change anything.
Re: Fil - Stream URL Changed
So, I firmly shook my fist at my code, and it started working. It may have just been a caching issue. I'll keep an eye on it for sure.
Re: Fil - Stream URL Changed
I've changed the topic to be more descriptive.