Spread Your Knowledge - Write a Tutorial

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Spread Your Knowledge - Write a Tutorial

Post by Swifthawk »

Do you know you're way around a stream? I'm betting you have your favorite setup, and some good tricks to make a stream great.

Please feel free to write your own tutorial topic here about any of the tools and methods you like to use for your shows. All of the things I use are free ('cuz that's how I roll), but paid solutions are fine too. Please try to give careful, step-by-step instructions so that anyone can follow, even someone new to streaming.

Here are some topics that we'd like to see tutorials written for:
  • Virtual Cable - A virtual device driver to connect your source (player) with your encoder - very useful.
  • Windows' "App volume and device preferences" - a way to send any app's sound to any device - very useful.
  • Winamp - A player with an excellent library database feature.
  • AltaCast - An encoder with a standalone version and a plugin for Winamp.
  • Caster.FM - A cloud stream server with a free option that serves up to 400 listeners.
  • Rocket Broadcaster - An encoder.
  • BUTT - (Broadcast Using This Tool) - An encoder.
  • Virtual DJ - A source with excellent features for DJs.
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